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Printer Curves

Posted: February 8th, 2014, 7:55 am
by Darius
I posted a while back about getting optimum color calibration for a given printer, and somebody suggested the "Printer Curves" feature available in PWP. I tried to utilize this. The issue is that the dialog is too large and won't completely fit on my display. I have no way to move it. What can I do to remedy this?
Additionally, should the "Printer Curves" prove to be useful in my workflow, how can I make it so that the adjustments would effectively be reflected when I print from another program like Qimage Ultimate. Thnx.

Re: Printer Curves

Posted: February 8th, 2014, 10:48 am
by jsachs
The Printer Curves window is resizable. You may have to scroll your workspace using the scroll bars at the right or bottom edges of the main window to get to one of the dialog edges so you can drag it.

There is no easy way I can think of offhand to apply PWP's printer curves to other programs.

Re: Printer Curves

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 7:42 am
by tomczak
Not sure if it will help:

Once the Printer Curves are set in PWP, you can access their inverse in Colour Curves and process the image using them (in effect pre-reversing the 'damage' that the printing process will do to the image that you see and like on your screen). Such pre-processed image can be saved and printed with other software. I'm not sure if the results will be what you expect.