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Transformaions on Top

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 9:16 am
by tomczak
I recall that before the PWP5? release, there was an issue with Transformation Always on Top preference interfering with workflow window (I believe), and this was, as a result, turned off globally. Even though there is List Open Windows and Transformation on Top buttons, I always seem to be fishing for transformation windows hidden behind some unclosed or unminimized intermediate image windows.

One common example is when using Apply button in a transformation: the transformation control panel stays open, as it should, but most of the time it gets covered by the output window and has to be whisked from behind with a few clicks for the next Apply or OK.

Would getting the ability to keep Transformation control windows always on top automatically back be practical?

What reminded me about how much more ergonomic this feature made things was Advanced Sharpen control panel: it retained the Always on Top property - which makes using it more nimble and smooth than other transformations.


Re: Transformaions on Top

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 10:42 am
by den
...For PWP7.0.11, a single left click on any transformation button in the Main or Transformation toolbars will bring to the top an 'open' transformation window after an Apply or a buried transform/workflow widget window... ...and my preference after an Apply is an un-restricted view of the transformation output to possibly analyze/modify with Tools...


Re: Transformaions on Top

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 12:27 pm
by jsachs
There is also a button on the main tool bar (the one just to the left of the Mask button) that brings the current transformation to the top.

In addition, Ctrl-T does the same thing if you prefer keyboard shortcuts.