Workflow - Warp behaving oddly

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Workflow - Warp behaving oddly

Post by MikeG »

I'm hooked on workflows.

Yesterday I used a workflow to warp an image.
I started with a 48bit tiff image, and the workflow had three widgets. Warp, sharpen and save to jpeg.
The result was not what I expected.

This morning I rebooted my machine, and did this two step experiment.
Step 1. Loaded the image, used the Warp transform and then saved as a jpeg. Result exactly as expected.
Step 2. Started a new workflow, with two widgets, warp and save as jpeg. Loaded the same tiff image, double clicked the warp widget. The warp transform opened with the settings from step 1 above. Checked the preview - looked exactly right. Then ran the workflow. The result was the same as I had yesterday.

The following image shows, from left:
a) The original image
b) The result of Step 1. (NOT using a workflow)
c) The result of Step 2. (using a workflow)

Could someone please verify?
BTW I'm running Vista Home Premium SP1

layout fullsize[1].JPG
layout fullsize[1].JPG (20.76 KiB) Viewed 4711 times
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Re: Workflow - Warp behaving oddly

Post by ksinkel »


You are making an odd comparison between two different runs of warp. Since there is no information on how warp was set in each of the cases, I can't comment.
The only thing that matters is a comparison between the preview and the final image in the workflow. Are the two the same or not?

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: Workflow - Warp behaving oddly

Post by MikeG »


Sorry to be unclear.
Hopefully the attachments will explain better than my words.
One attachment show the warp widget window with preview.
The other attachment shows the output of the workflow.
As before the workflow had only two widgets. Warp and save. Input tiff, output jpeg.

warp workflow.jpg
warp workflow.jpg (32.26 KiB) Viewed 4668 times
warp workflow output 2.jpg
warp workflow output 2.jpg (31.47 KiB) Viewed 4669 times
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Re: Workflow - Warp behaving oddly

Post by 99eagle99 »


I will take a look at this.

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