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Color Balance button function?
Posted: December 10th, 2013, 11:15 pm
by MarkT
In the Color Balance transformation, the buttons for "W" (Disable auto white balancing) and "B" (Disable auto black balancing) don't appear to do anything. When clicked to disable the function, it is still required to un-check the "Use" box to actually stop the auto functions. The "Enable" and "Enable with contrast extension" buttons seem to work as I expect.
Am I missing something in the intended use of the buttons?
Re: Color Balance button function?
Posted: December 11th, 2013, 8:13 am
by jsachs
If you have reset the white or black balance by adjusting them manually, clicking on the autobalance functions restores the automatic settings. As you say, disabling white or black balance by clicking the buttons does not actually change any of the color settings although it does disable the warning when you change the colors subsequently. Mostly the buttons are intended as a readout to show what settings are in effect. There is also a difference if you use the transformation on a different image - either by using the Input Image control or by running the transformation again using the previous settings or as part of a workflow. To eliminate the black or white balance, un-check the Use boxes. To add additional color pairs, shift-click on the image.
Re: Color Balance button function?
Posted: December 11th, 2013, 9:10 am
by MarkT
Thanks for the clarification Jonathan.
Re: Color Balance button function?
Posted: December 12th, 2013, 6:49 am
by tomczak
But if Colour Balance is used in the workflow, with Auto settings, it trains itself on the first image in the queue and then applies those settings to the rest of the images, unchanged. This is unlike Levels and Colour, with full range, that adjusts its settings for each image in the workflow individually. Is that correct?
Re: Color Balance button function?
Posted: December 13th, 2013, 11:38 am
by ksinkel
Currently the Color Balance applies the color balance settings established during the workflow training to all images in the workflow. In the next release we will make the color balance adaptive -- that is it will apply the auto color balance to each image. This will make color balance more useful in most situations. However, there will still be a way to get the current constant color balance behavior.