warmer or colder touch for images
Posted: September 8th, 2013, 3:46 pm
The Color Balance Transformation does normally a good job to make images to look neutral, i.e. remove color cast in the highlights and in the blacks.
You can also set the mid-tones by klicking on some adequate place, that should be a neutral gray.
But sometimes I want to make an image to look a bit warmer or a bit colder.
In the past with films I used a 81A or a 82B filtera.
These filters are available with the Filter Transformation. Unfortunately the transformation causes a cast in the highlights.
You can overcome this by using the Color Balance Transformation. And you can create your own color balance files.
Shift-Click in an area with an average lightness. Color does not matter. This creates a new pair of "remove" and "add" colors.
First click on remove color and than in the popup color seletion window on 50.2 % gray.
Do the same with the add color. Nothing happened so far. You are just replacing gray with gray :-)
But now you set the add color to HSV mode and under options choose Filterbank. Scroll down to the Filter 81A and click it.
This lightens the image. We are going to fix it with the next step. Now select under options Pastel.
Yo now can darken the filter color to the proper HSV value "value". Since the filter reduced the lightness I suggest a value about 56 instead of 50.2.
That's nearly all. For future use yo can save these setting in a xxxxx.cb-file.
I attached my two files in the zip -file.
You can also set the mid-tones by klicking on some adequate place, that should be a neutral gray.
But sometimes I want to make an image to look a bit warmer or a bit colder.
In the past with films I used a 81A or a 82B filtera.
These filters are available with the Filter Transformation. Unfortunately the transformation causes a cast in the highlights.
You can overcome this by using the Color Balance Transformation. And you can create your own color balance files.
Shift-Click in an area with an average lightness. Color does not matter. This creates a new pair of "remove" and "add" colors.
First click on remove color and than in the popup color seletion window on 50.2 % gray.
Do the same with the add color. Nothing happened so far. You are just replacing gray with gray :-)
But now you set the add color to HSV mode and under options choose Filterbank. Scroll down to the Filter 81A and click it.
This lightens the image. We are going to fix it with the next step. Now select under options Pastel.
Yo now can darken the filter color to the proper HSV value "value". Since the filter reduced the lightness I suggest a value about 56 instead of 50.2.
That's nearly all. For future use yo can save these setting in a xxxxx.cb-file.
I attached my two files in the zip -file.