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JP2 (J2K) format

Posted: June 21st, 2009, 4:39 pm
by chrisd
Would it be possible to add JP2 format read/write to PWP?

Re: JP2 (J2K) format

Posted: June 21st, 2009, 7:36 pm
by ksinkel
Actually, Jpeg 2000 reading is supported and has been for several years. The are no plans currently to add Jpeg 2K writing.


Re: JP2 (J2K) format

Posted: June 21st, 2009, 11:42 pm
by chrisd
Hi Kiril,

I am getting 2 errors reading JP2 files in PWP: "Out of Memory" & "Unknown error reported by LeadTools"

I know the JP2 files I have are are good because I have opened them in other applications.

The source of the images is . The images are usually quite large, from 300Mb - 900Mb. That site is currently experiencing problems, so if you are not able to download any images to test, I can post some examples for you to download.


Re: JP2 (J2K) format

Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 9:19 am
by ksinkel

It sounds like the images are too large and that you are indeed running out of memory rather than having a problem with the format. Try opening a small JP2 image to test if there is any problem with the format. 300 - 900 MB is quite large, especially if those numbers refer to compressed file size. (In the latter case the images will be in the one to several gigabyte range after decompression, which is definitely larger than can be handled.)


Re: JP2 (J2K) format

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 1:26 pm
by chrisd
Hi Kiril

The smallest image I have is 387Mb, uncompressed. I will try cropping and it to see if that helps.

I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that JP2 images do not have to be opened in at their full resolution due to a sampling/indexing technique built into the format. Therefore, opening images that are larger than the available RAM is feasible.

I'd appreciate any enlightenment you can offer.


Re: JP2 (J2K) format

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 9:56 pm
by chrisd
I had a chance to try a cropped JP2 image using Irfanview. Unfortunately the non-registered version of the LuraWave JP2 plugin for Irfanview is limited to saving at 640x480. This size opens fine in PWP.

I'll look for something that will allow saving larger JP2s