Stack Images Option button
Posted: June 19th, 2009, 9:47 am
A tiny bug?
Closing Stack Images own dialogs (Curve n, Density Mask n, Final Shaping Curve) with the Close button (usually the white cross in the red square in the upper right corner) locks the Option button of the Stack Images dialog.
It can be corrected by reopening the culprit dialog with its button and closing it again with the same button - just a doubleclick.
Could anybody check?
Closing Stack Images own dialogs (Curve n, Density Mask n, Final Shaping Curve) with the Close button (usually the white cross in the red square in the upper right corner) locks the Option button of the Stack Images dialog.
It can be corrected by reopening the culprit dialog with its button and closing it again with the same button - just a doubleclick.
Could anybody check?