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Workflow save widget RAW files

Posted: June 10th, 2009, 11:05 pm
by MikeG
Aplogies if this has been covered before. I've tried the search function but it doesn't work well for me.

I know that there has been discussion about the need for the RAW dialog to recalculate after adjustments that affect the image.
My point relates to a workflow for RAW images that (naturally) contains a save widget.
I started a workflow, loaded RAW images, then loaded a previously saved workflow.
I clicked on the Save widget to check the settings and was surprised to see that this intiated all the RAW conversion routines.
Is this really necessary? The image per se is not involved at all in making changes to the Save widget.

I'd appreciate confirmation from others that this is not something I'm doing wrong.


Re: Workflow save widget RAW files

Posted: June 12th, 2009, 9:02 am
by ksinkel
There is an optimization -- clicking on a widget does not run all the previous widgets. However it does require loading an image. Usually that is quite fast. In your case it was slow because the active image was a Raw image.
