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Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 2:07 pm
by Marpel
A while back (Nov 4, 12) I posted an issue I was experiencing with repeated (and time consuming) "updating browse information" messages during a session, which prevented any operations to be done while the updating was taking place. At that time, I was using version 5 and running Win XP Home with 4gb ram. About the only suggestion I was given was to upgrade PWP to version 6.

Since that time, I have moved to Win 7 with 8gb ram (and PWP 7 beta of course).

Today, I tried to delete 4 images by selecting the files in the browse window and clicking on the "Permanently Delete" button on the Browse Toolbar. I received the "updating browse information" message and progress bar which took a number of minutes to finally complete (folder contains about 280 images). However, 3 of the thumbnail images remained in the browse window. When I selected the 3 and tried the same operation, I again experienced the dreaded updating message and when finally done, all 3 thumbnails still remained in the browse window. I was able to later delete by opening the folder (clicking on the 3 dot button) and right clicking the file name.

I was able to open the images in both PWP and Photoshop but not in NX2 which gave me a "file does not exist" message.

Further, I tried to then make a change to one of the files that I had tried to delete and save the change but repeatedly received "Can't create or delete read only file", when I clicked "Yes" after being asked if I wished to replace the existing file. Although I could save the changes when I pressed the red X and was then asked if I wished to save the changes.

I also tried a simple change and save to another image that had not been subject of the delete attempt and also received the same "Can't create or delete read only file". I did not make any images read only nor do I even know how to determine if a file is read only.

To further aggravate me, I now can't do any type of operation or even open PWP without having the program stall for a number of minutes while the browser is updated each time, even when I do not make changes to any images.

Not sure if all of this is related but it all started (with PWP 7 beta) when I tried the initial deleting of the 4 images.


Re: Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 3:05 pm
by ksinkel
I am not sure what your exact situation is, however it seems to relate to write protection. Picture Window cannot delete read-only images. Also, if the storage media is write-protected, PWP cannot store the thumbnail cache file and therefore must regenerate thumbnails.

CDs are write-protected. Some USB drives and most camera cards have a write-protect switch on them. Files can also have a read-only attribute set. (You can determine if it is and clear it by right-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer and selecting properties.)

Currently PWP does not issue an error message when a delete fails. I will update that for the next release.


Re: Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 3:41 pm
by Dieter Mayr
Marv, did you try to delete the browseinfo file in that particular folder?
I had a issue with browsinfo file, too, in January, see my post here:
Deleting the file and let PWP create the file new solved the problem for me.
I guess the file was corrupted somehow.

Hope it helps you too


Re: Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 4:18 pm
by ksinkel
Browseinfo files cacheing thumbnails are stored in each folder that has been browsed. A convenient way to delete the file from the browse window is to right click on the folder and choose Delete Browseinfo file.


Re: Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 9:01 pm
by Marpel
Kiril's reply to my initial post, about PWP not deleting read only files, sent me on a long arduous journey for many hours today.

A number of forums indicate that a problem often develops when switching from one Windows OS to another (which is exactly what I did) with the result that the OS changes files and/or folders to read only, whose status can't be easily changed through conventional means.

In checking the status of the images in these folders, I found the images are not read only but the folders are. After a convoluted procedure which entailed doing some DOS entries, the folders still show as read only, however, the folders do not do a long browse update every time the folder is now opened. Not sure if this means the problem is cured or not or if I will encounter other related, and perhaps worse, consequences farther down the road. If that is so, I will probably just set my computer on fire and go back to film and darkroom.

Regarding Dieter's comments, I checked a couple folders that had been causing me issues and found two browseinfo files in each - a PW35BrowseInfo (update of 2/15/2013) and a PW60BrowseInfo (update of 3/12/2013). As I don't know anything about these files, can someone advise - Are they necessary? and if they have an old update date as in Dieter's situation, can/should they be deleted to ensure my problem is corrected?


Re: Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 13th, 2013, 5:44 am
by Dieter Mayr
Marv, those files store the thumbnails for browse window.
PW35.browseinfo is for PWP versions previous to 6, and PW60.browseinfo for version 6 and beyond.
They do not interfer with each other.
You can delete them without any problem either with the method Kiril described or with Windows's Explorer.
If there is no PW60.browseinfo file PWP will create a new one when you open that folder again.
It will read the images again (what it does now every time, if I understood you correctly) and save it then, so after a initial read it should be all OK again.

Re: Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 13th, 2013, 5:51 am
by Dieter Mayr
Marv, I just have checked, the folders are shown read only here in Expolrer, too, the files are not.
In my File Manager Program the folders are not shown to be write protected.
May be some internal of Windows, no idea why.
I have no issues with browser or .browseinfo file after that issue in January.

Re: Deleting image files and subsequent problems

Posted: March 13th, 2013, 2:16 pm
by Marpel
Thanks Dieter,

Yes, you understand correctly. It appears the browse updates every time I open an image folder.

I will delete the browseinfo from all my folders and hope this solves the issue.
