MultiThread 'dcraw.exe' and PWP6
Posted: January 27th, 2013, 6:24 pm
'dcraw.exe' is a 'free' command line program where options may be added following "C:\Users\<...path...>\dcraw.exe" in the Window's desk top application link's Properties->Target text box after (1) Windows MultiThread DCRAW zip files are downloaded [1.2MB]; (2) extracted to a folder; and (3) a desk top application link ['dcraw.exe' shortcut] created.
As of this posting: dcraw's current version is 9.17; the MultiThread version is 9.16; and PWP6.0.10's is 9.15.
[Download link:]
[Reference link:]
[Reference link: ... dex_en.htm]
The following suggestions are based upon MultiThread dcraw9.16; Vista 32; and PWP6.0.10 [while other pwp versions will work, PWP6 is favored because of the 'break point' and multithread workflow options not available in prior program versions].
'dcraw.exe' is the basis on which most 'third party' raw converters are written. The suggestions that follow in no way are meant to supplant PWP's extraordinary Raw Dialog conversion and features... ...but to provide those with an interest, the means to explore 'camera' raw data without the addition of non-user accessible software edits.
To open a resulting 'dcraw' 16-bit tiff [ -6 -T options] in PWP6's work space:
(1) open PWP; 'Restore Down' the PWP program window; open the 'File Open dialog'; and browse to a folder containing one or more 'raw' files...
(2) select one or more 'raw' files...
(3) 'drag and drop' them onto the desk top application link with the added desired 'options'...
(4) after the 'dcraw' raw conversions appear in the open File Open dialog; select them to open in the work space... ...Note: if the 'File Open dialog' does not update; go 'Up One Level' and return...
(5) Maximize the PWP program window...
(6) process images in the work space.
To open a resulting 'dcraw' 16-bit tiff [ -6 -T options] in PWP6's Workflow dialog :
(1) open PWP; open a Workflow dialog; and 'Restore Down' the PWP program window...
(2) if needed: set File->Preferences Default Preview to Auto; and possibly the Workflow dialog File to Do Not Multitask (depends on one's capacity for parrallel thinking!)...
(3) open the Workflow's 'Add Images dialog' and browse to a folder containing one or more 'raw' files...
(4) select one or more 'raw' files...
(5) 'drag and drop' them onto the desk top application link with the added desired 'options'...
(6) after the 'dcraw' raw conversions appear in the open 'Add Images dialog'; Select them to open in the Workflow... ...Note: if the 'Add Images dialog' does not update; go 'Up One Level' and return...
(7) Maximize the PWP program window....
(8) create or load a workflow file and execute the Workflow.
(1) A Primer [pdf], I created/use when exploring camera image data with 'dcraw' is here: and is based upon the use of a Canon EOS-350D camera and my current understanding of the References, Vista, and PWP...
(2) currently favored post-dcraw conversion PWP6 Workflow file:
(3) a web page describing a 'dcraw', Vista, and PWP6 virtual GUI: ... /index.htm
...ask if there are questions and enjoy the exploration... ...den...
As of this posting: dcraw's current version is 9.17; the MultiThread version is 9.16; and PWP6.0.10's is 9.15.
[Download link:]
[Reference link:]
[Reference link: ... dex_en.htm]
The following suggestions are based upon MultiThread dcraw9.16; Vista 32; and PWP6.0.10 [while other pwp versions will work, PWP6 is favored because of the 'break point' and multithread workflow options not available in prior program versions].
'dcraw.exe' is the basis on which most 'third party' raw converters are written. The suggestions that follow in no way are meant to supplant PWP's extraordinary Raw Dialog conversion and features... ...but to provide those with an interest, the means to explore 'camera' raw data without the addition of non-user accessible software edits.
To open a resulting 'dcraw' 16-bit tiff [ -6 -T options] in PWP6's work space:
(1) open PWP; 'Restore Down' the PWP program window; open the 'File Open dialog'; and browse to a folder containing one or more 'raw' files...
(2) select one or more 'raw' files...
(3) 'drag and drop' them onto the desk top application link with the added desired 'options'...
(4) after the 'dcraw' raw conversions appear in the open File Open dialog; select them to open in the work space... ...Note: if the 'File Open dialog' does not update; go 'Up One Level' and return...
(5) Maximize the PWP program window...
(6) process images in the work space.
To open a resulting 'dcraw' 16-bit tiff [ -6 -T options] in PWP6's Workflow dialog :
(1) open PWP; open a Workflow dialog; and 'Restore Down' the PWP program window...
(2) if needed: set File->Preferences Default Preview to Auto; and possibly the Workflow dialog File to Do Not Multitask (depends on one's capacity for parrallel thinking!)...
(3) open the Workflow's 'Add Images dialog' and browse to a folder containing one or more 'raw' files...
(4) select one or more 'raw' files...
(5) 'drag and drop' them onto the desk top application link with the added desired 'options'...
(6) after the 'dcraw' raw conversions appear in the open 'Add Images dialog'; Select them to open in the Workflow... ...Note: if the 'Add Images dialog' does not update; go 'Up One Level' and return...
(7) Maximize the PWP program window....
(8) create or load a workflow file and execute the Workflow.
(1) A Primer [pdf], I created/use when exploring camera image data with 'dcraw' is here: and is based upon the use of a Canon EOS-350D camera and my current understanding of the References, Vista, and PWP...
(2) currently favored post-dcraw conversion PWP6 Workflow file:
(3) a web page describing a 'dcraw', Vista, and PWP6 virtual GUI: ... /index.htm
...ask if there are questions and enjoy the exploration... ...den...