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Working with JPGs extracted from RAW in workflow
Posted: January 16th, 2013, 1:52 am
by tomczak
I think that that has been discussed, but I can't find what the answer was: would others find it useful to be able to use workflow on embedded JPGs in RAW in some situations?
Re: Working with JPGs extracted from RAW in workflow
Posted: January 16th, 2013, 11:42 am
by den
To Workflow process an embedded camera jpeg image, it first needs to be Extracted and Saved to a folder as either a jpeg or tiff before it is Add-ed to a Workflow...
...For PWP6 and if you have multiple Raw files in a folder, one or a sequence of files can be selected using PWP's Browser; then right click - 'Extract Jpeg Image'. A tiff file or files will open in the work space with the raw file extension.
Right click on a work space image and select 'Add to Workflow'. A 'Save Image' dialog will open where the image's 'Save as type:' can be selected and then Save to the folder... 'Add Image to Workflow' dialog will then appear, select OK. A Workflow dialog will then appear with the 'saved' image to be processed.
If multiple files have been extracted... ... a Workflow dialog will be opened for each file. If only one Workflow is needed, the individual image icons can be dragged and dropped into a single Workflow dialog, then close the un-needed Workflows.
Note: for some cameras, Extracted Jpegs can be of a reduced size [usually 1/2 size] unless a camera setting of "RAW + Jpeg" is used and these images will only have initial 8-bit (24-bit color) depths with camera jpeg compression artifacts. [Based upon my use of a Canon EOS-350D camera]
If there is further interest, I could suggest a method using Vista and PWP6 that would Add embedded camera jpegs, one or more, directly into a single Workflow dialog using a "dcraw.exe -e" option desk top application icon... ...again for a folder containing one or more Raw files.