Small installer problem

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Small installer problem

Post by mjdl »

I just installed the latest PWP x64 version 6.0.10 (I believe my prior version was 6.0.9).

The installer updated all the files, but it installed a new shortcut:
Windows 7 x64 Start Menu w/two PWP versions.
Windows 7 x64 Start Menu w/two PWP versions.
Start menu_2012-07-11_23-54-55.jpg (6 KiB) Viewed 2834 times
which opens the Windows Start Menu folder, rather than the executable:
PWP 6.0.10 shortcut general properties
PWP 6.0.10 shortcut general properties
Picture Window Pro 6.0 Properties_2012-07-11_23-57-18.jpg (6.31 KiB) Viewed 2860 times
Is it just my Windows installation having these problems, or have other people noticed the same thing?

In any case, it's easily corrected by the user.
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