It's in the Eyes...

Moderator: jsachs

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It's in the Eyes...

Post by den »

Ref: "Old Eye Tutorial" by 'cspringer' (2006): ... e=20335703

In the reference tutorial, 'cspringer' offers an iris template [Eye-Template-3.jpg] that I have modified for use in PWP's Composite-SoftLight transform as an Overlay image for a masked iris of the Input image. The modified template needs to be "2-point (shift/rotate/scale)" aligned with the masked iris of the Input image.

The modified 'cspringer' template image for you to 'save as'...
Eye-Template-3_den_400px.jpg (33.2 KiB) Viewed 10091 times
Before and After Composite-SoftLight blend example at 1:1 image area crops...
Eye-Template-3_den_400px_example.jpg (46.2 KiB) Viewed 10063 times
Hint: Adjust the Input image's irsis mask white Amount to a preference.

An advantage of the Composite-SoftLight blend is that existing catchlights, iris/pupil reflections, and saturations will retain a realistic appearance, yet the iris detail is 'virtually' increased.

Of course, additional editing for tone/colors can produce the needed 'Over The Top' for glamour if that is the preference.

Ask if there are questions... ...enjoy...
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Joined: April 25th, 2009, 6:33 pm
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon EOS-350D/Fuji X100T
Location: Birch Bay near Blaine, WA USA

Re: It's in the Eyes...

Post by den »

'cspringer' posted an update/summary to his 2006 tutorial here: ... e=41143363

In it, he suggests adding brown spots to blue and green... ...the modified template suggested previously will add 'texture' to existing colors... are suggested tinted 'modified' templates with brown spots, again to be used with the Composite-SoftLight transform and a masked iris to add colors/textures... ...or perhaps Composite-Blend with a masked iris/subtracted pupil...
Eye-Template-3_den_250px-blue_brownspot.jpg (44.08 KiB) Viewed 9989 times
Eye-Template-3_den_250px-green_brownspot.jpg (47.94 KiB) Viewed 9985 times
Posts: 861
Joined: April 25th, 2009, 6:33 pm
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon EOS-350D/Fuji X100T
Location: Birch Bay near Blaine, WA USA

Re: It's in the Eyes...

Post by den »

If you have PWP6 or later, try experimenting with the "Special Effects/Button" transform to give to give the above suggested templates a 'virtual' 3-D depth/glow... ...especially if you are trying to emulate the 'high' glamour effects that PhotoShop users do...

For example... a Button gradient image:
Eye-Template-3_den_250px-button.jpg (10.54 KiB) Viewed 9440 times
Applied to the Blue-Brownspot image with added pupil/catchlight:
Eye-Template-3_den_250px-blue_brownspot_button.jpg (48.31 KiB) Viewed 9443 times
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Re: It's in the Eyes...

Post by MikeG »

Intriguing stuff - can't pursue it just now so writing this mostly to help me remember to try it later!
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