Colour Merge Mode

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Colour Merge Mode

Post by tomczak »

Just want to make sure that there is no other way: to copy saturation and hue, but not value from one image to another I need to split them in channels and recombine as appropriate? Would adding a 'colour blend' mode(s) to Composite or perhaps hue/sat only mode to Clone make any sense?
Maciej Tomczak
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Colour Merge Mode

Post by Dieter Mayr »


I have no other idea about how to do this.
What you want to achieve with this operation ?
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Colour Merge Mode

Post by tomczak »

One reason I was interested was my quest of reducing chroma noise. Another is that cloning H,S,V(L) separately can be quite useful in editing, I think. Paint tool has this ability, but only for cloning solid values of the channels.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Colour Merge Mode

Post by den »

Dieter... About 20% of the raw conversions of my image files are done both with Canon's DPP [to access 'after the shot' the WB and Picture Style settings for my Canon EOS-350D] and with PWP. Sometimes the color rendition of DPP is more preferable than that achieved with PWP... but the tone rendition of the PWP conversion is sharper and shows more preferable detail... after an off-set edge crop of the PWP conversion image for 1:1 registration and the same pixel dimensions with/as the DPP conversion image, I will perform Maciej's channel substitution, i.e., using PWP's Extract and Combine transforms to combine PWP's HSV-V with DPP's HSV-H and S...

Maciej... I know of no other way in PWP to transfer H,S from one image version to another except to Extract channels and re-Combine... Paint as you have stated will only do specific H or H,S color transfers...

...a color blend mode transform would be useful but at least for me, it needs to be also useful for 1:1 registration as different RAW converters treat raw image file edges differently... ...and a 'clone' tool brush with H; S; H,S; V; or L modes would be most welcomed and valued.
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Re: Channel Cloning

Post by tomczak »

There is panorama stitching technique called 'multi-resolution spline', which makes the seams between stitched images less obvious by blending high frequency details in a less 'blurred' fashion than the low frequency image components. Here is a writeup with an example: ... ftware.htm

I was thinking that something similar could be used in Clone to make it work more akin to the healing brush (I don't know if that's what healing brush does or not): using the 'multi-resolution spline' to blend the transplanted area with the underlying base image. PWP already has the Highpass and Lowpass blending modes in Composite (though I'm still having trouble using them in practice).

My naive idea was that a single 'Blur radius' could be set to separate Highpass from Lowpass components and precompute them, then the Clone tool would have one more slider that could adjust 'Softness' (or maybe Transparency if not Radius as well - which simplest combination could work?) of the brush for Highpass/Lowpas channels individually.

Could it work? I wonder if the effects would be a visually better from a simpler idea of cloning a single channel?
Maciej Tomczak
Posts: 1431
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Re: Colour Merge Mode

Post by tomczak »

Somewhat related to the cloning textures topic: a MS research project video. ... r_embedded
Maciej Tomczak
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