improvement suggestion - Curve control Autorange

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improvement suggestion - Curve control Autorange

Post by pierrelabreche »

In curve control, the default settings of Autorange can clip pixels differently than a user would want ( too much or not enough ).
Would it be possible to include black and white point settings for curve control Autorange ? or alternatively, Autorange could recall the default black and white point settings of the Autorange transformation ?
2025-02-06 Curve control autorange defaults v2.jpg
2025-02-06 Curve control autorange defaults v2.jpg (79.22 KiB) Viewed 568 times
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Re: improvement suggestion - Curve control Autorange

Post by jsachs »

The current settings for Autorange in Curve controls is to set the black and white points so as to exclude no more than 0.0005 of the pixels at either end of the range. Since you are displaying the histogram with expansion turned on, this looks like it is clipping a lot more pixels than it actually is.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: improvement suggestion - Curve control Autorange

Post by pierrelabreche »

Thanks for pointing out the magnification of the histogram. Granted, it's only a small number of pixels.
My intent is to avoid clipping while performing autorange. Thus, the Autorange function (curve and control and the transformation) could have adjustable control point values.

Would you consider additional value settings for white and black points, for example:
  • White point distribution 0.05% and White value = 95 % ( i.e. in 8-bits 95%*255=242.25)
  • Black point distribution 0.05% and Black value = 5% ( i.e. in 8-bits 5%*255 = 12.75 )
2025-02-08 Autorange sketch.jpg
2025-02-08 Autorange sketch.jpg (51.07 KiB) Viewed 541 times
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Re: improvement suggestion - Curve control Autorange

Post by pierrelabreche »

In the sketch and discussion above, I forgot to state that this could work with a series of control points for white and for black. The output value of 100% for white would be set at a smaller distribution, say 0.02%. Likewise, tho output value of 0% for black would use a lower distribution.
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