PWP RAW editing

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PWP RAW editing

Post by Marpel »


Having used NX2 as my RAW editor for awhile, I am just beginning to explore PWP's RAW editor, and have a couple of questions.

- Using the Exposure Control in the Grey tab, even when activating the "show clipped pixels" option, if I move the slider well to the right to where the image preview starts to go all white (or, conversely, well to the left), the image does not show clipped pixels, however, the image will show clipped pixels when moving the arrows on the Dynamic Range greyscale slider, lower down the dialogue, well to either end. As I like to set the Exposure Control pretty close to the right end (to compensate for mis-judged ETTR in camera), it would be nice to be able to see clipped pixels in the image, rather than relying on looking at the relatively small histogram. Am I doing something wrong or does the clipped pixel warning not work with the Exposure Control slider?

- A generic question, not necessarily specific to PWP. I understand that Exposure Control is essentially simulating a change in camera exposure and is less destructive (proper term?) to the image pixels, unlike some other "after-camera" editing steps. With that in mind, if I have an image that contains less tones than a full DR (let's say it takes up two thirds of the histogram and is well away from the right side, as in an underexposed foggy scene) and I wish to not only extend the DR but also move everything to the right side of the histogram very close to 100%, is it less destructive to first move the Exposure Control to the right (so the whole histogram moves right), then move the black arrow on the Dynamic Range slider so the DR widens, or is it just as good (less destructive to the image) to merely move both arrows on the Dynamic Range slider and ignore the Exposure Control slider. In NX2, I have always moved the arrows to set the end points rather than first moving the whole exposure to the right and am now wondering if I have been RAW editing in an optimum way.

Thanks and sorry for the length of the post

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