Alt-Scroll-Wheel Zoom Problem on Thumbnails Just After Splitter

Moderator: jsachs

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Alt-Scroll-Wheel Zoom Problem on Thumbnails Just After Splitter

Post by jfoster »

When trying to zoom into a section of an image, immediately after a Splitter, the cursor moves to the lower left corner of image and does not zoom from intended centered cursor location.

To reproduce:

1. Start PWP 8.0.441
2. Create a Checkerboard image from the Test Patterns Transformation
3. Right-Click on Checkerboard Thumbnail and select Add Splitter After
4. Select Branch 1 (or Branch 2) image.
5. Click on center of Checkerboard image, then use mouse Scroll-Wheel to zoom image.
6. Note that cursor moves to lower left of image and that the zoom is centered there instead of the intended center location.

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Re: Alt-Scroll-Wheel Zoom Problem on Thumbnails Just After Splitter

Post by jsachs »

Fixed for next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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