This suggestion is about the capability of using input and output images for creating control points on curves :
It is also about the new Palette patches displayed in the main image area:To make part of an image lighter or darker, shift-click on the input image to insert a new point on the curve corresponding to the brightness level at that point in the image. Then drag the new control point up to make that part of the image lighter or down to make it darker.
If nothing is happening when you click or shift-click on the input image, click on a blank part of the curve control to reset its probe.
NeedPalette Tool: a checkbox to let you display a copy of the palette color patches in the lower right corner of the main image area. For many transformations and controls, you can click or shift-click on one of these color patches and the effect will be the same as if you clicked or shift-clicked on that color in the image. You can use this feature, for example, to create new control points on curves or to set control points for selective color correction.
The existing procedure by dragging a control point is not so easy to execute. A complementary procedure using the color probe would allow to define or reset control point for desired input and output values.
Allow users to define "input" and "output" colors or their components by using the probe for sampling. Sampling would be in addition to the existing dragging capability for defining the relationship between the input and the output. The following tasks would be doable by sampling, i.e. probing the input image, the output image, or the palette patches :
In curves, let X be a component value in the input image and let Y be the desired value in the output image:
- creating a a new control point, where X is sampled ( existing capability )
- resampling an existing control point to X on the input axis, while maintaining Y on the output axis ( new )
- resampling an existing control point to Y on the output axis, while maintaining X on the input axis ( new )
- Sampling a new control point A ( existing capability )
- Sampling a new control point B for completing the pair ( new )
- Resampling A in an A-B vector, while keeping B unchanged ( new )
- Resampling B in an A-B vector, while keeping A unchanged ( new )
Clicking variants ( right-left ) or Key presses ( Shift, Alt, Ctrl ) could define the desired sample assignment to input ( X or A ) or to output ( Y or B )
To make this capability usable without knowing the clicking method, right-clicking on an existing control point could unfold a menu ( "sample input", "sample output" ) and the cursor would then change to a probe to sample the input image, the output image, or the palette patches.