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Posted: January 29th, 2024, 1:42 pm
by Marpel
This is on version ...417, so if things have changed in latest, please ignore.

Cloning from one image to another - both images same size and format.

Mode: Copy, Brush: Continuous, Cursor: One to One.

When side by side windows appear, Source image (left) fits in window, but right side, the image remains same size as it was prior to opening Clone Tool. So, if that image was 1:1 as an example, it shows 1:1 immediately in window. Even if at normal size when image opened initially, it will not shrink to fit window.

However, if 1:1 button is pushed on right window, image zooms out to Fit in Window size.

1:1 button does not work on left or right window, except, as above, if image has been zoomed in by clicking the + button, 1:1 button will zoom image out to fit in window.

If right window is zoomed in, Alt + Arrow key(s) does not move view in right window, Alt + Arrow only moves view in left window only (if zoomed in beyond Fit to Window, of course). Even if both windows are zoomed in to same degree, Alt + Arrow only moves left window view. I suppose if both windows are zoomed in to different degrees, AlT + Arrow would present a problem if trying to work on both images, but I would have thought, if, after identifying the source location in the left window, then clicking a single time in the right window, that Alt + Arrow should work on the right window. And if both are at the same zoom factor that Alt + Arrow would work simultaneously on both windows, but that calculation is way above my pay grade and unsure if it is even possible. Just seems weird that Alt + Arrow works on left, then one has to use the scroll buttons, or whatever they are called, along the edge of the window, for the right side.

Along the same lines, is there a single button that zooms both sides to the same degree?


Re: Clone

Posted: January 29th, 2024, 7:44 pm
by jsachs
These problems all go back to the feature added 13-Oct that lets you toggle between zoom to fit and zoom to 1:1 and preserve the zoom and scroll settings of the 1:1 view. For the next release I am removing this feature, at least for now. This seem to fix the problem you were seeing.

There is currently no way to do synchronized scrolling when there is a possibility of the two images being different sizes. It has been on my list for a while to see if I can make this work when both images happen to be the same size, but the implementation is tricky.

Re: Clone

Posted: January 29th, 2024, 8:27 pm
by Marpel
Thanks for the explanation.