color lookup

Moderator: jsachs

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color lookup

Post by rfuerman »

Hello. PW 8.0.397
Transform | Color | Lookup
User has no idea what to do w/o reference to help file .
a) Settings menu "Create Lookup Table .." should be on the Ref image R click menu similar to color remap options. This is not a 'setting.' Also the save and load Lookup Table items. "Create Lookup Table .." could be a button; plenty of room on dlg.

b) Help says "Ref image is ignored until you select the Create Lookup Table .." But when user selects "Create Lookup Table ..", the msg = "No ref image defined."
c) So I dutifully select a ref image jpg straight from camera; then settings menu "Create Lookup Table .."; then msg = "Ref image has wrong dimensions" (Now I wonder when was last time a user tried this transform??) So, I never got to see the lookup table.
d) Not liking the name for this transform. User is not 'looking up" a color. It appears, from help, that user is creating a custom lookup table which can have multiple transforms, which can then be applied to other images to adjust the color, brightness, etc. This is sort of a transform remap? Take multiple transforms from image 'a', create the look up table, then apply transforms to image 'b,c,d..' Maybe "Transform remap"?
First change the transform menu from 'Transform | Color | Lookup' to 'Transform | Color | Color Lookup' to agree with help file & dialog caption. Should this be on color or gray transform sub menu?
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Re: color lookup

Post by jsachs »

The purpose of this transformation is to create or apply 1-D or 3-D lookup tables to an image. These are commonly used when editing video to create a certain "look" to all the frames, and many of these lookup files (.cube files) can be downloaded from the web. For example, see: ... free-luts/

The procedure for creating your own lookup tables is described at the end of the help topic. You start by creating a test pattern which you modify and then use as the reference image so it needs to be a specific size and format. Using a 3-D lookiup table can compress a whole series of operations into a single step.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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