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suggestion for the Levels and color tool : applicability to neighborhood pixels

Posted: September 24th, 2023, 3:20 pm
by pierrelabreche
The paint tool has an "Apply to control" control for "The Apply To control lets you modify the way the paint tool works:

All Pixels -- the paint tool works normally.

Pixels in Color Range -- only paints areas in the currently selected color range as specified by the Color Range tool (see above). To change the color range settings, switch to the Color Range tool and then back to the Paint tool.

Similar Pixels (Fixed) -- samples the color of a small area of the underlying image at the cursor location at the start of each brush stroke to establish a base color. For the remainder of the brush stroke, only pixels whose color is close to the base color are masked when the brush is applied. A Threshold slider is displayed just below the Spacing slider to let you adjust how closely other pixels must match the base color to be masked. The smaller the threshold value, the more closely pixels must match the base color for the brush to be applied.

Similar Pixels (Track) -- like Similar Pixels (Fixed) except the base color is resampled each time you move the cursor. This helps you mask around the edge of an object even if the background color is varying

This feature would be useful in the "Levels and color" tool

Re: suggestion for the Levels and color tool : applicability to neighborhood pixels

Posted: September 25th, 2023, 4:31 pm
by pierrelabreche
I meant to say "The mask paint tool" has an "Apply to" control ....

This feature would be useful for the paint tool transformation as well.