Dynamic range controls &c.
Posted: August 27th, 2023, 4:19 pm
PW 8.0.384
Transformation | gray | auto range
a) definition: Dynamic Range seems to be defined as "the difference between the lightest and darkest tones in a photograph.." The PW 'Curves & histogram' pdf says use the black and white points on X-axis to adjust black point & white points.
b) Auto Range transform | Dynamic Range control. Move the control arrows moves the curve endpoints up or down to adjust what? Shouldn't it move end points in or out to adjust dynamic range?
c) User turns off {x] auto black or [x] auto white, then there is no way to manually adjust black or white endpoint. The control arrows on X-axis are display only. Why would user turn these off if transform expects auto range?
d) Help for Auto Range transform says to use histogram mode button, but this button is not available. Shouldn't all buttons be available, esp temporary reset?
e) the black & white threshold settings are used to exclude outlier black or white pixels for HSV. If I select color space = RGB, I don't expect outlier color pixels so how are threshold adjustments helpful?
f) Compare: Color curve transform remembers each setting for RGB=R,G or B. Auto range transform keeps same endpoint setting for all channels.
(A) I'm thinking that this transform should always be auto for dynamic range endpoints. Only edits available to select color space and set thresholds. Otherwise its a limited version of Color Curves transform, Or ..
Add a button to Color Curves transform to [auto calc] which sets dynamic range endpoints for R,G,B or selected color space; button then becomes not available. User then can edit as desired. If user resets or changes color space, then button is available. I frequently set endpoints for the R,G,B channels, so if PW could auto calc them, that would be big help.
Put the 'Threshold' settings on [Settings] button of Color Curves - how often will they really change?
You now can remove this auto range transform?
**Note that help for the Curve Control settings menu includes 'Auto range' menu item, but this item is *not* on the settings menu for color curves! I suggest this should be added to Color Curves as a button, as above, and not hidden on settings.
Transform | Levels & Color
g) Help for Dynamic Range white point slider says "The effect depends considerably on the color space you have selected (see above)." But this transform does not allow user to select color space. Whoa! I see color space control at *bottom* of transform - that needs to move up to above the Dynamic Range control?
h) the help for Levels & Color transform has two descriptions of the Saturation control.
Color Space
i) Color Curve transform Color Space control allows user to select 'HSV' space and then specify channel 'H, S or V'. The Levels & Color and Auto Range transforms do *not* allow user to select 'H, S or V'. Suggest adding this channel control, not available, so user knows which color space or channel is adjusting.
File | Open recent
j) File | Open recent . . I don't expect to see script files in history here; only image files.
PW seems pretty stable right now. Suggest
k) bump version to 8.01.xx and bump minor version with new functionality or major changes;
l) schedule releases once or twice a month unless critical error. If MS can release Windows once a month . . . Eight PW updates posted so far this month!?
PW 8.0.384
Transformation | gray | auto range
a) definition: Dynamic Range seems to be defined as "the difference between the lightest and darkest tones in a photograph.." The PW 'Curves & histogram' pdf says use the black and white points on X-axis to adjust black point & white points.
b) Auto Range transform | Dynamic Range control. Move the control arrows moves the curve endpoints up or down to adjust what? Shouldn't it move end points in or out to adjust dynamic range?
c) User turns off {x] auto black or [x] auto white, then there is no way to manually adjust black or white endpoint. The control arrows on X-axis are display only. Why would user turn these off if transform expects auto range?
d) Help for Auto Range transform says to use histogram mode button, but this button is not available. Shouldn't all buttons be available, esp temporary reset?
e) the black & white threshold settings are used to exclude outlier black or white pixels for HSV. If I select color space = RGB, I don't expect outlier color pixels so how are threshold adjustments helpful?
f) Compare: Color curve transform remembers each setting for RGB=R,G or B. Auto range transform keeps same endpoint setting for all channels.
(A) I'm thinking that this transform should always be auto for dynamic range endpoints. Only edits available to select color space and set thresholds. Otherwise its a limited version of Color Curves transform, Or ..
Add a button to Color Curves transform to [auto calc] which sets dynamic range endpoints for R,G,B or selected color space; button then becomes not available. User then can edit as desired. If user resets or changes color space, then button is available. I frequently set endpoints for the R,G,B channels, so if PW could auto calc them, that would be big help.
Put the 'Threshold' settings on [Settings] button of Color Curves - how often will they really change?
You now can remove this auto range transform?
**Note that help for the Curve Control settings menu includes 'Auto range' menu item, but this item is *not* on the settings menu for color curves! I suggest this should be added to Color Curves as a button, as above, and not hidden on settings.
Transform | Levels & Color
g) Help for Dynamic Range white point slider says "The effect depends considerably on the color space you have selected (see above)." But this transform does not allow user to select color space. Whoa! I see color space control at *bottom* of transform - that needs to move up to above the Dynamic Range control?
h) the help for Levels & Color transform has two descriptions of the Saturation control.
Color Space
i) Color Curve transform Color Space control allows user to select 'HSV' space and then specify channel 'H, S or V'. The Levels & Color and Auto Range transforms do *not* allow user to select 'H, S or V'. Suggest adding this channel control, not available, so user knows which color space or channel is adjusting.
File | Open recent
j) File | Open recent . . I don't expect to see script files in history here; only image files.
PW seems pretty stable right now. Suggest
k) bump version to 8.01.xx and bump minor version with new functionality or major changes;
l) schedule releases once or twice a month unless critical error. If MS can release Windows once a month . . . Eight PW updates posted so far this month!?