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tiff 48-bit prophoto

Posted: November 7th, 2010, 5:29 pm
by alain

Somethimes when I save a 48-bit tiff in icc prophoto my dam software recognised it as no colorspace (and uses sRGB).
Keeping pwp open at that time and resaving it after the check gives ok results.

Any clue whats going on?

BTW. It's annoying because I somthing to remind everytime.

Re: tiff 48-bit prophoto

Posted: November 7th, 2010, 7:07 pm
by alain
Some extra info :

The original files are made by Bibble 5.1. It could be a different way of handling "save as" versus "save".

Re: tiff 48-bit prophoto

Posted: November 12th, 2010, 9:05 pm
by alain
I've done some more checking the icc-profile information isn't readable by a nr off software packages, including pwp.
I had "prophoto" as assumed profile inside pwp.

Re: tiff 48-bit prophoto

Posted: November 13th, 2010, 5:12 am
by Winfried
I tried to check your findings with my software:
- dam software: IMatch, which software do you use?
- Bibble 5.1

It seemes that IMatch has a problem to recognize the ICC-Profile under every circumstance.
On the other hand PWP reorganises the meta-data before saving a file.


Re: tiff 48-bit prophoto

Posted: November 13th, 2010, 6:13 am
by alain
I'm using IDImager as DAM software.

But even PWP itself is sometimes unable to read the icc-profile it wrote themselves back. I have the impression pwp (latest 5.x) somtimes either "forgets" writing a profile or writes an "invalid" one.
(Opening those file's inside pwp gives no profile.)

It seems that save as is more errorprone than save.

If I need to do something to help, just let me know. (The tiff's with zip compression are almost 80MB)

Re: tiff 48-bit prophoto

Posted: November 18th, 2010, 7:15 pm
by alain
No suggestions.

I find this a rather annoying problem. I have to check the icc profile after each save.