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Update Available - Version 8.0.327

Posted: October 23rd, 2022, 1:16 pm
by jsachs
An update is available to Version 8.0.327 (23-Oct-2022)
Download Link:

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

In the Image Browser, the captions of auxiliary input images are now displayed as the image number and transformation name and no longer as the generic name of the input. This makes it easier to see which image is selected – since the transformation number is displayed first, even if the rest of the command is truncated, you can still identify which image is being referenced.

Fixed problem with Apply button when dragging transformation dialog boxes from one monitor to another.

Multipass Sharpen now remembers which tab is currently selected when you close and then reopen the dialog box.

Updated color management engine (lcms) to version 2.14.

Expand Dynamic Range: added a Strength slider when using the Exposure Fusion option.