This goes way back. I come with it only now.
1. Create a mask on a source image.
2. Open the Clone tool on an input image.
3. Go to the Clone Source Image icon and load the source image (you created the mask on)
4. Go to Clone Amount icon nad load the mask -> the source image in the left preview window gets replaced with the input image with the mask overlayed on it, the Source image thumbnail gets reset to gray color.
5. Reload the source image -> the mask overlay disappears even though the mask panel stays open. Still you can clone.
If you close and reopen the mask panel, you will get to the situation in step 4.
Cloning with a mask does not seem to work properly
Moderator: jsachs
Re: Cloning with a mask does not seem to work properly
When the mask dialog box is open, the display is set to split screen and the primary input image becomes the current input image displayed on the left. This has the side effect of resetting the Source Image control, making it gray out its box. Clicking on the thumbnail for the auxiliary input image or selecting it using the Source Image control restores the current input image back to its previous setting so you can continue cloning from the auxiliary input to the output image.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color
Re: Cloning with a mask does not seem to work properly
Sorry, I could have found that myself before posting it.
Clone and scroll bars.
Important: The following happens only with a source image loaded.
Open Clone and load a source image (Split preview is set to ON)
Synchronized Scrolling is ON
Zoom In to display scrollbars using either of the Zoom In buttons (left or right) ->
moving the scrollbars in RIGHT preview window moves only the image in LEFT preview window
moving the scrollbars in LEFT preview window moves in RIGHT preview window only its scrollbar sliders, not not image
Zoom out to Fit and set Synchronized Scrolling to OFF
Zoom In using the button above the RIGHT window and click on a scrollbar -> both RIGHT window scrollbars disappear
start clonning and with the first stroke (relasing mouse button) RIGHT window scrollbars reappear
click on a RIGHT window scrollbar and both disappear again making it impossible to move the image around in the RIGHT preview
Also: when the left preview is also Zoomed In, clicking on a right scrollbar does not make it disappear but neither move the image in the preview, if you drag the scrollbar slider it always jumps back.
I hope this time it is not just another misjudgement.
Open Clone and load a source image (Split preview is set to ON)
Synchronized Scrolling is ON
Zoom In to display scrollbars using either of the Zoom In buttons (left or right) ->
moving the scrollbars in RIGHT preview window moves only the image in LEFT preview window
moving the scrollbars in LEFT preview window moves in RIGHT preview window only its scrollbar sliders, not not image
Zoom out to Fit and set Synchronized Scrolling to OFF
Zoom In using the button above the RIGHT window and click on a scrollbar -> both RIGHT window scrollbars disappear
start clonning and with the first stroke (relasing mouse button) RIGHT window scrollbars reappear
click on a RIGHT window scrollbar and both disappear again making it impossible to move the image around in the RIGHT preview
Also: when the left preview is also Zoomed In, clicking on a right scrollbar does not make it disappear but neither move the image in the preview, if you drag the scrollbar slider it always jumps back.
I hope this time it is not just another misjudgement.
Re: Cloning with a mask does not seem to work properly
You are right on target this time -- fixed for next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color