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Overlays: identify overlay object by its thumbnail number

Posted: October 14th, 2022, 8:34 pm
by pierrelabreche
Suggestion for the browsing tree

Rather than simply showing "overlay" when using a composite transformation, it would be convenient to add the thumbnail number, that is, the number preceding the caption of the overlay image. The full caption could be displayed as a tooltip upon hovering the overlay.

Re: Overlays: identify overlay object by its thumbnail number

Posted: October 15th, 2022, 4:27 pm
by jsachs
In the next release, hovering the cursor over the Ov button displays the thumbnail caption of the image, if any.

Re: Overlays: identify overlay object by its thumbnail number

Posted: October 20th, 2022, 2:03 pm
by pierrelabreche
jsachs wrote: October 15th, 2022, 4:27 pm In the next release, hovering the cursor over the Ov button displays the thumbnail caption of the image, if any.
Thanks for the tooltip over the composite transformation's Ov button which now displays the thumbnail caption of the image, if any.

It would be useful to provide the same tooltip information when hovering (1) over the overlay thumbnail in the composite message box, and (2) over the overlay thumbnail in the image browser ( next to the composite transformation thumbnail ). The same info would be provided even when the thumbnail image is hidden in the image browser.

In the image browser, a persistent display of the image number could be in the overlay thumbnail's caption.
For example, replace "Overlay" with "Overlay:6" to indicate that image 6 is used as an overlay in the composite transformation.

Re: Overlays: identify overlay object by its thumbnail number

Posted: October 20th, 2022, 7:06 pm
by jsachs
For the next release, I changed the image browser thumbnail captions of auxiliary inputs (such as the Composite overlay image) to be the image number followed by the transformation name, just as for transformation thumbnail captions. By putting the number first, you are more or less guaranteed to be able to see the unique transformation number even if the name is truncated.

Clicking on the thumbnail of an image selection control, already displays the name of the selected transformation, if any. Having tooltips pop up too much can be annoying so I prefer not to add too many of them.