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Double Amount sliders in Brightness Curve

Posted: August 7th, 2022, 4:41 am
by tomczak
This is probably just cosmetic, but is there a reason for having two double-pointer Amount sliders when mask is present, as opposed to splitting the slider into black and white parts as done in Amount with mask in other transformations?

Re: Double Amount sliders in Brightness Curve

Posted: August 7th, 2022, 6:29 am
by jsachs
This change was made back in Nov 2021 after I modified Brightness Curve to have two sets of settings, one for the masked (white) and one for the unmasked (black) areas. Since these two collections of settings are totally independent, it requires dual sliders to control their relative strengths separately. This could be done with a single double slider, but the semantics would be different from the other sliders of this type, since the default would be both sliders all the way to the right instead of white to the right and black to the left, and also there is no way to reverse the sliders to effectively invert the mask (without having two double sliders). Rather than have two different semantics for the same visual representation, it seemed less confusing to make the double and dual sliders look different.

Re: Double Amount sliders in Brightness Curve

Posted: August 7th, 2022, 7:51 am
by tomczak
Thanks. This is a bit related: as it is, with two sliders, if I Shift-click (or Ctrl-click) on the Amount mask square and then let it go, the upper slider splits into two, of which the white (upper) has no effect.

Re: Double Amount sliders in Brightness Curve

Posted: August 7th, 2022, 11:08 am
by jsachs
I guess you can tell this is a feature I don't use much. Fixed for next release.