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Committing a mask and closing tool
Posted: July 8th, 2022, 8:18 am
by tomczak
I made an image mask using Paint Tool and then Feather. To see the output I committed the mask (clicked on the running man button). The output preview updated, but so did the Mask control pannel, returning to the default, thus closing the Feather controls. Not a big deal - clicking on the Feather tool again brings them up. but I was experimenting with feather radius, and even though I could see how the mask looks before committing it, but to see the actual results the running men needs to be hit, I think.
Re: Committing a mask and closing tool
Posted: July 8th, 2022, 8:43 am
by jsachs
Mask Undo will undo the "commit" and let you change the feather settings.
Also in the Mask Settings Menu you can select Update Transformation with Mask which will update the transformation automatically when you change the mask settings without having to commit.
Re: Committing a mask and closing tool
Posted: July 9th, 2022, 6:38 am
by MarkT
Thank you for pointing out the "Update transformation with mask" setting. If I click on Feather or Blur first, then click and change the Midtones slider, for instance, and then re-open the mask option, it's like a commit (running man) has been clicked. Resetting the mask option to zero does not actually reduce the Feather or Blur to zero. It takes two clicks of the mask undo to get back to zero.
I've been hoping to keep the feather or blur controls open, so I could experiment with the mask settings, then alter the transformation settings, and then go back and continue to tweak the mask settings, but as soon as you touch the transformation window the mask commits and closes the mask controls.
Or, as usual, I'm missing something in the process...
Re: Committing a mask and closing tool
Posted: July 9th, 2022, 9:43 am
by jsachs
You can do this by clicking the Mask Undo button -- this will undo the commit and let you tweak the settings of the most recent Feather or Blur.