Update Available - Version 8.0.301

Moderator: jsachs

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Update Available - Version 8.0.301

Post by jsachs »

An update is available to Version 8.0.301 (6-Jul-2022)

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Compare – reduced flashing when switching images in Blink mode. Changing the Output setting now updates the output image displayed in the main image area as well as the thumbnail image in the image browser.

Closing all images now resets the current mode to Scroll.

When zooming or scrolling the main image area by holding down the Alt key while a transformation is active, control is now automatically returned to the transformation when the zoom or scroll operation is finished. For example, you can now use the Alt key to zoom and scroll and then resume cloning without having to click on the Clone transformation dialog box.

Hue/Saturation transformation now starts up in split screen mode, letting you use the probe on the input image without having to change the display.

Amount controls: fixed problem of mask menu being displayed even when you click outside the mask box to the right of the sliders.
Removed Apply button from all transformations.

Editing a bypassed transformation now works a little differently. Previously, this always triggered a recalc of any downstream transformations before the transformation started. Now, once you start editing, if you click the Cancel button, the transformation exits and remains bypassed and there is no recalc. If you click the OK button, the transformation is un-bypassed and a recalc is initiated.

For transformations that have their own probe, fixed problems with closing the transformation dialog box with a Mask dialog box open.

Readout Tool now updates correctly when using the Ctrl-D keyboard shortcut and in other situations where the display is updated. This lets you compare readout values from the same part of the input and output images.

Fixed internal error message when closing program with a mode window open (histogram, readout, magnifier, etc.)
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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