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Multipass Sharpen Preview of Multiple Passes

Posted: May 8th, 2022, 11:13 am
by jfoster
Is it intended behavior for the Multipass Sharpen Preview Pane to only preview the effect of highest enabled pass (even if prior passes are enabled)? It would seem intuitive to me that the Preview Pane should preview the cumulative effect of all the enabled passes.


Re: Multipass Sharpen Preview of Multiple Passes

Posted: May 16th, 2022, 1:58 pm
by jsachs
It should show the results of applying all enabled passes. In my testing, this seems to be working -- exactly what scenario are are using?

Re: Multipass Sharpen Preview of Multiple Passes

Posted: May 16th, 2022, 7:05 pm
by jfoster
Here are screenshots illustrating the issue more clearly. The behavior is slightly different than what I previously described, so I may have botched the initial report.

For clarity, I’ve used extreme settings and show only Pass 1 and Pass 2.

For both Pass 1 and Pass 2, these settings stay the same: HL (B &W) 100%, BT 100%, ST 0% - 0%.

Unique to Pass 1: BR 10, SF 0.00

Unique to Pass 2: BR 5, SF 5.00

These four screen-shots show, first, all passes disabled resulting in the Display Preview Pane showing the unaltered input image (with some moiré issues due to website scaling).

Second, the First Pass is shown properly.

Third, only the Second Pass processing is shown properly.

Fourth, the correct sequential processing of the First and Second pass is shown.

MPS_Prob_A.jpg (294.47 KiB) Viewed 1754 times

However, in this image below note that the First Pass has been disabled but the Preview Pane is showing the combined processing of the First and Second Pass.

MPS_Prob_B.jpg (112.43 KiB) Viewed 1754 times


Re: Multipass Sharpen Preview of Multiple Passes

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 8:09 am
by jsachs
Fixed for next release.