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User interface suggestion: split screen toolbars

Posted: April 25th, 2022, 3:49 pm
by pierrelabreche
The controls for split screen are currently found in the main area and in transformation dialog boxes:
  • Main area toolbar: Horizontal/Vertical/Auto Split Screen.
  • Transformation toolbar: Input/Preview/Split/Sync
What if all split-screen buttons were included in a unique toolbar in the main image area?
As a side benefit, the transformation dialog boxes would be less cluttered.

Re: User interface suggestion: split screen toolbars

Posted: April 25th, 2022, 4:51 pm
by jsachs
This would mean rewriting the code for more than 100 transformations and revising screen shots in the help file and main documentation. There would have to be a really big payoff to make this worthwhile.