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Skin Polishing/Smoothing & PWP5's Bilateral Sharpen

Posted: September 7th, 2010, 11:05 pm
by den
Reference: "Polishing shin [skin]": ... shing&qf=m

A recent message board thread reminded me of something I experimented with a few months ago that may be of interest, i.e.,...
...using the Bilateral Sharpen transform to smooth skin while retaining a desired texture with an 'active' painted Mask where an Add/Subtract brush of varying radii, transparency, and softness was used... produce black, 25%, 50%, 75%, and white toned mask image areas.

Step1: the starting image(1) was downloaded from the DPReview retouching forum posting linked above and adjusted to preference color balance, tone, and saturation... becoming image(2).

Step2: the Mask Tool - Paint feature was used to paint desired image(2) areas with various black, white, and gray tones and left 'active'.

Step3: the Bilateral Sharpen transform was opened on image(2) with its 'active' painted mask and settings adjusted to preferences: Mask White=95; Mask Black=25; BlurRadius=10; BlurThreshold=20.00; Sharpen Factor=0.20; and SharpenThreshold=0.00.

Note that with this image, there was a preference to soften the overly textured [sharpened] hair and eyes... hence the Mask Black amount was adjusted from its normal 0% to 25% and that the maximum softening effect is slightly decreased and occurs on the forehead, around the eyes, and chin... i.e., Mask White amount=95%.

ScreenView A: the transform set up and mask...
HuidverbeteringSample-1a_ScrnView_FS-1_800px-1a-1.jpg (48.41 KiB) Viewed 2180 times
ScreenView B: a reduced resolution Preview using the suggested settings... the full resolution image has preferenced smoothed skin textures that do not readily show at the posted resolution.
HuidverbeteringSample-1a_ScrnView_FS-1_800px-1b-1.jpg (46.19 KiB) Viewed 2179 times
The following mask tones seem to be reasonably generic for other images and it is not necessarily needful to 'paint within the lines'; then blend the painted mask image areas with a small to medium Blur:
0% black: background, hair, eye whites/pupils/eye lashes
25% gray: lips, teeth, and eye brows
50% gray: major skin area(s)
75% gray: minor wrinkels/blemishes
100% white: major wrinkels, blemishes, and extreme skin highlights

The 'active' mask will allow it to be modified if needed with the changes updated in the Preview.

Just exploring possibilities.... and having fun too!

Re: Skin Polishing/Smoothing & PWP5's Bilateral Sharpen

Posted: September 8th, 2010, 8:12 pm
by MikeG
Powerful and quick - yet another technique that I simply MUST remember!