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erratic behavior in data entry

Posted: November 21st, 2021, 10:54 am
by pierrelabreche
In the Color Picker, I tried to enter values for the RGB components.

Upon start, the values displayed are 100,0 100,0 and 100,0

I tried to enter 99,6 in the first field by using this sequence :
delete all characters
entering 9 9 comma 6

However, shortly after deleting the characters, the value 0,0 appears before I could type the new values

If I enter characters quickly, it can work. Most of the time I cannot complete the entry and the value is corrupt due to the the short time allowed.

Re: erratic behavior in data entry

Posted: November 21st, 2021, 11:05 am
by jsachs
You can adjust the time delay before text fields are updated in File/Preferences.

Rather than delete all the characters first, try selecting them all and then typing or double-click to select all.

While the ^C, ^V and ^X keyboard accelerators work in all edit controls, for some reason ^A does not.

Re: erratic behavior in data entry

Posted: November 21st, 2021, 1:31 pm
by pierrelabreche
In preferences, I set the text delay to 4 seconds ; however, the actual delay is much shorter, probably less than 1 second.

Thus, data entry is still erratic.

The time delay should be restarted after every keystroke. It doesn't seem the case.

Re: erratic behavior in data entry

Posted: November 21st, 2021, 4:10 pm
by jsachs
I fixed this and a number of other issues for the next release. The delay was fixed at 1 sec instead of following the preferences setting. I also got tab to work as it already does is transformation dialog boxes.