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Chromatic Aberration Transformation

Posted: September 9th, 2021, 6:54 am
by bulrichl

I am using the Chromatic Aberration Transformation in order to correct images captured with my Canon EF 17-40 mm f/4L USM lens which show considerable lateral CA (red - green). In doing so I found the following flaws:

1. The amount values for red and blue shift cannot be inputted via keyboard, the sliders have to be used. The available settable values are quantized. Let us suppose that setting the slider of Red Shift: -0.0689% results in the otimal correction.
CA_set.PNG (8.71 KiB) Viewed 2096 times
The transformation is run by clicking 'OK'. When the CA transformation window is fetched again from the menu and 'Settings/Reload Last Settings' is executed, a value of Red Shift: -0.07% is displayed, and when the settings are saved ('Save Settings As...'), the parameter 'amountr' has a value of 0.0007 (= 0.07%) in the "*.chromatic aberration" file. The displayed or stored value is imprecise, so one is not able to know whether the used value was 0.0689% or 0.0745%. I would like that 3 significant digits (0.0689%) are displayed, as if one sets the value.
CA_transformation.PNG (8.62 KiB) Viewed 2096 times

2. When the same CA transformation is executed in a script and a double click is executed on the "Chromatic Aberration" thumbnail in the image browser, the CA transformation window shows a value of Red Shift: -0.0007%. This value is obviously wrong.
CA_script.PNG (8.63 KiB) Viewed 2096 times

Re: Chromatic Aberration Transformation

Posted: September 9th, 2021, 7:11 am
by jsachs
For the next release, I have increased the degree of precision with which the slider values are saved and fixed the inconsistent value display.

Re: Chromatic Aberration Transformation

Posted: September 9th, 2021, 12:38 pm
by bulrichl
Wow, that was a quick response! Thank you very much for fixing this.
