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Ghost entires in History

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 5:30 pm
by tomczak
This has been mentioned a few times I recall, but I can't figure out what triggers it, but it happens often enough: in History there are ghost entries for windows that are either already closed or unlabeled ones that really never existed. The attachment is the situation described in another thread: unsucessfully opening file with workflow when Browse was closed; there are no windows open at the moment. Interestingly, if I click on unlabeled window icons in History, the label next to it appears.

Re: Ghost entires in History

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 6:30 pm
by den
Thanks for posting this... this is my observation too. For each failed 'File Open with History workflow' attempt when the Browser is closed, ...then opening the Browser History tab, there are entries as illustrated, except one time I noticed the notation 'pending' next to the workflow operation icon.

Re: Ghost entires in History

Posted: July 11th, 2010, 6:46 pm
by ksinkel
I will look into this issue.


Re: Ghost entires in History

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 11:54 am
by ksinkel

Could you send me a step b step description of how you produced the situation you describe in your post. Please send t to my e-mail.

Thank you,


Re: Ghost entires in History

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 2:44 pm
by Dieter Mayr
I have done the following:
Closing the Browse Bar.
Trying to open a picture with associated Workflow with File - Open, this does not open the image.
Repeating the aboe 2 more times.
Opening Browse and clicking the History Tab gives this:
After_3_File_Open_without _Browse.png
After_3_File_Open_without _Browse.png (7.57 KiB) Viewed 4454 times
Then trying to open the file again, now with Browse open, the file opens and the Workflow is executed.
History looks now as follows:
After_Succcessful_Open_with_Browse.png (10.3 KiB) Viewed 4455 times
The Paste entry comes form the first screenshot I made.
The workflow i used had only one widget, so there is only one "ghost" symbol, if the workflow has more widgets, there are as much ghost symbols.

Hope it helps

Re: Ghost entires in History

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 4:33 pm
by den

(1) if you double left-click on any of Dieter's 'Ghostmask.JPG's in his top illustration ["After_3_File_Open_without _Browse.png (7.57 KiB)"], an image window, "Ghostmask.JPG" will appear in the working space with no workflow operations applied...


(2) if you double left-click on the workflow operation icon, its widget name will appear.

Re: Ghost entires in History

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 10:43 pm
by ksinkel

As stated in the posts above, there is a problem is File/Open is used to open an image and apply a workflow while the Browser is closed. However the function works correctly when the browser is open. So as a workaround, please make sure the browser is open when opening an image and applying a workflow. I will get a fix in to the next update.

Thank you to all who noticed and reported this problem.
