cannot close image

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cannot close image

Post by davidh »

After applying the filter transformation, the input resp. the overlay image cannot be closed:
- if the image is filtered with itself, the input image cannot be closed,
- if the overlay image is different from the input image, the overlay image cannot be closed.
The error message says: "Window in use by the History Window - Cannot close".
This does not happen with Filter method in Composite transformation.

Seems strange I have not come across this before. Can anybody confirm this?
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Re: cannot close image

Post by ksinkel »

The history window allows you to re-apply the transformation with new settings. To be able to do this, windows that were used in the transformation need to be available. However, you can of course minimize the images so they are not in your way. Once you close the main input and result images involved, the subsidiary images are released. The composite transformation is not currently redoable, so it does not lock its images.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: cannot close image

Post by davidh »


thanks for the explanation. Anyway, it is not possible to close the input image only after it has been filtered with itself - when it has been used as both the input and the overlay image. If the overlay image is another image, the input image can be closed, but the overlay image cannot. I would then think that neither can be closed, or wish both could be closed, but understand the history issue.
Perhaps a History On/Off checkbox in Preferences might be helpful in one of the future versions for those "constant ad hoc" users who do not use history very often if at all.

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