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Update Available - Version 8.0.123

Posted: July 29th, 2020, 7:53 am
by jsachs
An update is available to Version 8.0.123 (29-Jul-2020)

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Warning: the following major change to the way mask tools work has been tested extensively, but due to the complexity of the changes there may still be some problems. I recommend saving your previous PWP 8.0.exe file should you need to revert to the previous version.

Mask: changed the way all the mask tools that have Apply buttons work so the effects are visible immediately when you change settings, but not finalized or passed to the transformation until you click the new Apply button in the upper part of the Mask dialog box (looks like a running man). This saves you from having to undo and re-apply mask operations repeatedly to fine tune the settings. Individual mask tool Apply buttons have been removed, and pending mask operations are confirmed when you switch tools. Pending operations are always performed when you close the mask dialog box. If there is a pending operation, the Mask Mode buttons can be used to switch modes before the operation is finalized. The Mask Mode buttons are grayed out for mask tools that ignore the mode. See the updated help file or Creating and Using Masks.pdf for details.

Full screen display: fixed minor issues with the way black and white images are converted to the monitor color space.

File Open: eliminated warning if default folder is not accessible.

Added keyboard shortcut Ctrl-W to execute the last Script/Recover Workspace… command.

When saving a file of a specific type (e.g. in File/Export), when asking for a filename, the correct extension is now proposed.

Color Management: added Print Profile List… button (same as in PWP 7).

Re: Update Available - Version 8.0.123

Posted: July 29th, 2020, 11:44 am
by MarkT
I really like the changes to the mask tools, seems very intuitive. Don't know where you get your inspiration from, but I really appreciate your attention to details like this. Thank you.

Re: Update Available - Version 8.0.123

Posted: July 29th, 2020, 12:02 pm
by jsachs
Thanks, my inspiration comes mostly from using the program and being frustrated but also from getting good ideas from feedback and from checking out other programs.