As I have just discovered, there appears to be two methods of saving a user-generated Tint file. The associated dialogue Help does not explain their uses, so....
The settings button at the top of the dialogue allows saving the file as a *.tint (then found in PWP > Tint) while the button at the end of the color line saves as *.color line (PWP > color line). And, depending on which avenue is used, the saved file can only be found for future use if the file is accessed via the same button it was saved, as each takes one to a different location. It appears the files which come with PWP are *.color line files, so I assume that is the preferred method. If that is the case, what is the reason for the other method?
Moderator: jsachs
Re: Tint
Color line files can be used with any transformation that uses a color line control. This includes the Gradient transformations, Adjust, Monochrome, Tint, Starfield, Texture and Wave.
Tint files are specific to the Tint transformation and include additional information about the Amount, Palette Rotation, etc.
Tint files are specific to the Tint transformation and include additional information about the Amount, Palette Rotation, etc.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color