Electronic manual won't open from Help menu

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Electronic manual won't open from Help menu

Post by mjdl »


Just finished the install-a-thon that upgrading from Vista to Windows 7 entails--I restored the Vista factory image on my notebook, upgraded and then reinstalled my Windows 7 compatible programs and then my personal files. No problems with the result, but maybe too cautious & long-winded an approach... but I wanted to ensure legacy stuff didn't get in the way. BTW, Windows 7 really is a vast improvement over Vista in the performance department, and the UI improvements are all quite useful (mind you, if I was paying full upgrade price, rather than the Lenovo OEM upgrade offer price, it might not be so clear-cut). If Vista was a heavy-weight elephant, then Windows 7 is a medium-sized frisky rhinoceros. Or something like that.

Anyway, back on topic: the one thing that does not work is the Help menu link to the electronic manual. I placed it and all the white papers in the docs folder (making sure that they were all "un-blocked"), verified that the white papers opened through the links in the manual, but PW50.PDF cannot itself be opened via the Help menu item: the error dialog is "Cannot open electronic manual".

Any ideas?
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Re: Electronic manual won't open from Help menu

Post by ksinkel »

First make sure can launch pw50.pdf directly, by double-clicking on the file. If it does not launch, the problem is probably related to folder security and user permissions.

If it does launch, the only other cause I can think of is that you have multiple copies of PWP installed and that you are actually running a different copy from the one you expect. To test this possibility, go to the parent folder of the pw50.pdf you launched earlier and launch PWP50.exe directly by double-clcicking on it as well and then test the Help/Launch Electronic Manual. It should work.

If it does, the problem is that you probably have several copies of PWP installed and the shortcut is not pointing to the copy you are expecting. If that's the case, you should find and remove the extraneous copy and create a new shortcut for the copy you are actually using.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: Electronic manual won't open from Help menu

Post by mjdl »

Thanks, Kiril, I've managed to solve the issue, but it was nothing to do with multiple installations (I have just one), or incorrect shortcuts (this was a failure to launch the PDF from the PWP help menu).

I'm not sure what caused the problem, but the very convoluted process of determining the "default application" to open a PDF failed when PWP tried it, but not when opening a PDF by double-clicking in Windows Explorer, or navigating to it from the "Run" item from the Windows Start menu.

2 steps solved it: 1) doing a "Repair" installation of Adobe Reader, 2) once logged into my limited user account again, using the Windows 7 "Default Programs-->Associate Programs with etc." panel to re-associate PDF files with Adobe Reader (Step 2 did not work without Step 1).

A further weird thing: PWP 5.0 runs with UAC virtualization in Windows 7 32-bit according to the attached screen grab of windows task manager. Is this a correct situation? Is some kind of application setting missing?
Windows 7 Task Manager Screen Capture (size reduced): PWP just opened, no images loaded.
Windows 7 Task Manager Screen Capture (size reduced): PWP just opened, no images loaded.
PWP-Virtualization.JPG (14.05 KiB) Viewed 2619 times
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