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Update Available - Version 8.0.70

Posted: March 23rd, 2020, 7:16 am
by jsachs
An update is available to Version 8.0.70 (23-Mar-2020)

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Show Clipped Highlight and Shadow Buttons now reflect both clipping colors. Highlight and Shadow clipping is now based on the underlying image and not on the version transformed into the monitor color space for viewing.

Lines, Arrows, Text: fixed problem with text boxes sometimes disappearing after closing and then re-opening the transformation dialog box or when reading the transformation from a script file.

Help/Create Portable Install: You can now create a self-contained portable version of PWP that can run, without being installed by the Windows installer or installing any files on the host computer, from a flash drive or other folder. In the portable version, all settings are stored in a Settings subfolder instead of their normal locations. To create a portable install, use the Help/Create Portable Install… command. It first asks you to select a folder where the portable install will be created. For a flash drive install, select the root directory of the flash drive. Next, a folder named the same as the current Picture Window version is created and the necessary files are copied to the new folder. Finally, a link to the Picture Window executable is created. To use the portable version, plug in the flash drive and double click the link.

Fixed crash when loading a script with a file open for a non-existent file and responding with Cancel to the request to supply a replacement file.