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Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 5:11 pm
by cliff
I expect I'm missing something, but I can't get text to align properly in the layout transform. It appears there are margins in the panels with text, and the margins get bigger when the text gets bigger. This means I can't left-align a heading with smaller body type. I have tried pressing the "Shrink rectangle to match image" button, but it doesn't seem to work on text. I do understand that PW is primarily a photo editing tool, but this seems pretty basic. Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks very much,

Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 6:22 pm
by tomczak
In the 'Panel Properties' dialog, second line from the bottom, there is the Alignment choose-box. Try Top/Middle/Bottom Left - the text should stick to the LHS border of the panel (text box).

Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 9:25 pm
by cliff
Hi Maciej,
Thanks for the help, but I think I'm already doing that. The problem is the different margins. The text in both panels is aligned to the Top Left, and the left edges of the panels are aligned with the left edge of the layout.

I'm trying to attach an image, but, for some reason it isn't working. I get an error message saying the image is too big, but the height and width are both less than 600 pixels.

Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 9:52 pm
by MikeG
Cliff, the posting limits are rather restricting. Not more than 400 pixels in width or height, nor larger than 50 kb.

Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 7th, 2010, 2:31 am
by cliff
This issue is pretty easy to reproduce.
Change the layout size to 2 in by 2 in.
Press + to open Panel 1.
Change the background to Transparent.
Enter the word "Heading" in the text box using 24 pt Arial.
Align the text to Top Left.
Press + to open Panel 2.
Enter the words "Body text" in the text box using 12 pt Arial.
Align the text to Top Left.
Align the left edges of the two panels to the left edge of the layout.
The left edges of the heading and body text don't line up because of the different margins. Once again, I'm probably missing something.
Thanks for all the help.

Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 7th, 2010, 6:28 am
by Dieter Mayr

Seems there is no way to manipulate the margins as they seem to be calculated from the font size.
A way to deal with your problem is to move the panel slightly to have vertical alignment of the text starting points.
Text_Layout.png (40.63 KiB) Viewed 6782 times
I think having a margin around the text was choosen to have some space around the text when using a border around the panel, to have some space between text and border.

Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 8th, 2010, 2:14 am
by MikeG

Counter-intuitively, perhaps 'Middle Center', instead of 'Top Left' will give you what you are after. The margins seem to be de-activated with this setting.


Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 8th, 2010, 6:25 am
by jsachs
You are correct, the margins are a percentage of the font size so you can't accurately align text of different sizes.

Re: Newbie Q re Transformation/Layout

Posted: March 8th, 2010, 2:24 pm
by cliff
I'm impressed and grateful for all the help. I'm going to start another thread with another question.
Thanks to all,