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Copy images discrepancy

Posted: March 8th, 2020, 1:17 pm
by davidh
I very often clone branches beginning from any image to compare different settings.

I have not completely got used to the new method which requires:
1. a click on the first image of the series to by copied
2. selecting the images using the new Selection tool bar
3. adding Splitter After using the local or the Edit menu
4. copying the selected images to the empty branch box using the Selection tool bar

(Previously this task could be achieved by only two mouse clicks using right and left mouse buttons.)

This time I unintentionaly skipped the 3.step which logically resulted in copying the transformations to the same branch.

My simplified branch was:
Crop, Brightness Curve.... Tint

what I got was:
Crop,Crop, Brightness Curve...Tint, Brightness Curve ... Tint

The first image of the series got copied below itself and the rest of the series was copied to the end of the branch.

One more comment.
Is the confirmation box for copying selected images necessary? This is not a destructive operation, unlike Closing selcted images where the confirmation box does make sense.

Or perhaps leaving it only as a warning when copying transformations to the same branch?
For some reason I am inclined to think that copying series of transformations to the same branch will more often be a mistake than an intention. But I might be wrong, of course.

Re: Copy images discrepancy

Posted: March 8th, 2020, 2:06 pm
by jsachs
What you describe may in fact be OK depending on which transformation was selected as the current one.

The confirmation is mostly to deal with accidentally clicking the copy button and messing up the image tree in a way that might be hard to undo, although if autosave is enabled, you can recover by reloading the workspace.

I could probably add a command that automates the multiple steps, making the process less error-prone. The advantage of the current method is that you don't need to copy the entire branch, you can select which images you want to copy and which you want to leave behind. If I do this, do you think it would make sense to insert the splitter automatically (or add a branch if one already exists)?

Inserting in the same branch is probably a lot less common, although you can use it, for example, to duplicate a transformation in case you want to run it twice (e.g. Text if you want to add multiple annotations).

Re: Copy images discrepancy

Posted: March 9th, 2020, 6:54 am
by davidh
....What you describe may in fact be OK depending on which transformation was selected as the current one....

I see, I have overlooked the active image as the start point.

As for the rest, I do not want to complicate it. It was my mistake to copy the branch to itself being used to the previous shorter way of cloning branches.

Anyway, selecting a whole downstream part on a branch from any image, adding a new branch and copying it there, all in one or two steps, would be a nice to have in some future.