Multiple Batch and Compare

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Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by tomczak »

One potentially interesting use I just discovered is using Compare with two streams of images in multiple batch (with Compare having a breakpoint).

I'm trying to think about how can I use that to my advantage rather than just looking at the series of two versioned images. I can't think of a way to make some decisions with Compare (or after Compare) as to which of the two images could be marked/deleted/selected/moved/renamed/processed somehow...

It won't help me with my RAW/JPG pair quest, but it could be useful for other things (like culling processed versions).
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by tomczak »

One wild idea would be to somehow select script branch based on Compare decision.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by tomczak »

Actually, I can already make a decisions with Compare by choosing A or B image view (A being from one stream and B from another) because the Compare output will then produce A or B and the transformations below it can take care of the image, including saving it in Export.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by tomczak »

I suspect that this is the way it is designed to work, but want to confirm:

If I have two script streams A and B, each with multiple images in File Open. Script A includes Compare and Script B includes something else, say Monochrome. If I point Image B in Compare to the top FIle Open in Script B, the Multiple batch works as intended. But if I point Image B in Compare to Monochrome in Script B, the B image is stuck on the first image in the B Script list. i.e. only Script A runs in batch and Script B doesn't run, just cycles through the list of its top File Open.

p.s. A labeling suggestion for Compare to: perhaps label it as Compare to B:? - now I remember it is always B, but I had a difficulty to figure out which image I'm changing when clicking Compare to:

Also, the A/B comparison type may have the images reversed.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by jsachs »

No, it is not supposed to work that way -- However, it looks like a change to the next release that I made earlier today to optimize the way images are recalculated may have fixed this problem as a side effect.

On Compare:

Just below Compare To: it lists the names of images A and B for reference. The A|B looks OK to me. Let me know if it is wrong for some case I have not checked.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by tomczak »

Can you check Compare A over B, not A next to B?
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by tomczak »

Forgot to explain myself as to the Compare labeling suggestion: the A and B are listed below, but I didn't know for a while that Change to button changes image B, not A.

Maybe 'Compare A to:' label for the button or something similar to signify that it is Image B that is being changed could make it clearer? It's cosmetic anyway as it's always B, but you have to know it.
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Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Multiple Batch and Compare

Post by jsachs »

Right, I changed Compare To to Image B.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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