Autorange and 2-pass BS in Adjust

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Autorange and 2-pass BS in Adjust

Post by tomczak »

Is there a quick way of Autoranging in Adjust transformation (or in curve controls in general)? I'm kind of missing the Levels and Colour ability to stretch the dynamic range with one click...

Also, in the Sharpen tab, would it be practical to have the ability for 2-3 pass sharpening, like in the full Bilateral Sharpen, to heighten the local contrast and then sharpen details (and see how they interact) in one go?
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Autorange and 2-pass BS in Adjust

Post by jsachs »

Adjust does not have an autorange feature -- it is generally a simple matter to adjust the curve. The idea behind Adjust is to be a more powerful version of Levels and Color and not make any decisions for the user such as where to cut off shadows and highlights.

I left out multipass sharpening because the interface is already very complicated. If you really need it, you can just a bilateral sharpen transformation after Adjust.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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