Scrolling during Composite Transform

Moderator: jsachs

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Scrolling during Composite Transform

Post by Marpel »

I tried to composite a portion of a smaller image, using a mask, into a larger image by -

Open Composite > identify smaller overlay image > click on mask for overlay image (an 8 bit b and w image saved from a prior operation) > input image on right side, overlay and mask on left side > 1:1 on input (right side) image > hand appears.

As masked object was in lower left corner and not on screen, and I wished to confirm the appropriate feathering of the mask, I moved the hand down in the image, then clicked to move the image up. When releasing the mouse, the image bounced back and I was unable to scroll down the image. Multiple attempts resulted in the image repeatedly bouncing back.

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Re: Scrolling during Composite Transform

Post by jsachs »

It looks like there a problem with scrolling the right half of the main image area in split screen mode by dragging the hand cursor if the image in the left half is not the primary input image.

As a temporary workaround you can either:

1) scroll using the scroll bars instead


2) click on the Composite image thumbnail in the image browser to reset the left half of the split screen to the primary input image.

This has been fixed for the next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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