Color Curves transformation RGB-All display
Posted: October 16th, 2019, 5:06 pm
Ref: PWP8 v8.0.2 msi
1) Open an image
2) Open the Color Curves; select RGB Color Space; select All; and apply a curve (a "S" contrast curve, for example)
...partially transparent RGB channel histograms initially shown with their respective colors. .
3) Shift-LeftClick & Release the Amount button
...Histogram turns blue and shows the Red channel distribution and remains displayed upon further Shift-LeftClicks&Releases. .
Suggest that in the RGB-All mode that a gray Luminance channel histogram is shown upon the Shift-LeftClick release and perhaps as a partially transparent overlay to the initial RGB colored channel histograms display as well.
Transformation of the Input image seems to be correct.
When individual channels are selected, RGB-R for example, the initial display is a red R channel histogram distribution turning to gray upon Shift-LeftClicks&Releases of the Amount button,.. the same occurs for RGB-G and RGB-B. The suggestion intends to essentially do the same for RGB-All but showing a Luminance histogram.
P.S. Congratulations on the start of Official releases... Thoroughly enjoyed the learning experiences of the Alpha and Beta versions.
Ref: PWP8 v8.0.2 msi
1) Open an image
2) Open the Color Curves; select RGB Color Space; select All; and apply a curve (a "S" contrast curve, for example)
...partially transparent RGB channel histograms initially shown with their respective colors. .
3) Shift-LeftClick & Release the Amount button
...Histogram turns blue and shows the Red channel distribution and remains displayed upon further Shift-LeftClicks&Releases. .
Suggest that in the RGB-All mode that a gray Luminance channel histogram is shown upon the Shift-LeftClick release and perhaps as a partially transparent overlay to the initial RGB colored channel histograms display as well.
Transformation of the Input image seems to be correct.
When individual channels are selected, RGB-R for example, the initial display is a red R channel histogram distribution turning to gray upon Shift-LeftClicks&Releases of the Amount button,.. the same occurs for RGB-G and RGB-B. The suggestion intends to essentially do the same for RGB-All but showing a Luminance histogram.
P.S. Congratulations on the start of Official releases... Thoroughly enjoyed the learning experiences of the Alpha and Beta versions.