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Expanded Multi Color Balance dialog...

Posted: September 13th, 2019, 12:13 pm
by den
Ref: PWP8 Beta 10-Sep-2019; Win10 Home 64-bit

1) Open an image
2) Open the Multi Color Balance transform and add a mid-tone neutral gray control point
3) Drag a transform dialog corner to enlarge the dailog

1) mouse clicking the R, G, and B channel tabs no longer have defined target areas
2) R, G, and B channel control points are not mouse accessible for click/drag when a specific channel is 'active'.
Enlarged MultiClrBal Dialog.jpg
Enlarged MultiClrBal Dialog.jpg (52.12 KiB) Viewed 2719 times

Re: Expanded Multi Color Balance dialog...

Posted: September 13th, 2019, 12:35 pm
by den
PS: I was attempting to use the expanded dialog for more accuracy to adjust the channel control points somewhat similarly to what one would do with the RGB Color Curves transform... ...however the Multi Color Balance control points are curve adjustable/tab selectable at default dialog size and can be very accurately adjusted by numerical input to the Add Color 2 dialog for a specific control point.


Re: Expanded Multi Color Balance dialog...

Posted: September 13th, 2019, 12:39 pm
by jsachs
Fixed for next release