Bug fix release 29-Aug-2019

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

Moderator: jsachs

Posts: 4296
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Bug fix release 29-Aug-2019

Post by jsachs »

I have posted a new release (29-Aug-2019).

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Clone: fixed redundant warning about image size change.

Clone: Fixed problem with 22-Aug version causing first stroke to be lost and number of strokes to be off by one. Cloning scripts that saved using the 22-Aug version may need to be corrected and re-saved.

File Save: removed redundant overwrite warning, and fixed problems of not setting initial file type to match original file and not being able to change the file type on a Save As.

File Save: added warning if saving a file and the original file is missing (probably renamed or deleted) as this prevents saving metadata by copying from the original file. Also fixed missing metadata when a file is written over the original copy.

File Open: fixed problems with File Open Multiple when selecting a single file. Also fixed problems with single step batch button.

Image Info: fixed problem with Command control obscuring the tabs in some cases.

Mask: fixed problem with Undo followed by change of mask mode followed by Apply not registering the mode change.

Mask: fixed a problem that was causing intermittent crash when applying a series of complex polygons or splines.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color