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Bug fix release 16-Jun-2019

Posted: June 16th, 2019, 8:08 am
by jsachs
I have posted a new release (16-Jun-2019).

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Level: fixed problems with Reset from settings menu.

Warp: fixed problems with the way output image size is computed from the size of the cropping quadrilateral.

Editing a bypassed transformation now turns off its bypass before editing and recalculates all images that depend on the one being edited. This also fixed some related problems with reloading scripts that contained bypassed transformations and then trying to edit a bypassed transformation.

Fixed problem with cloning a side branch just below an image whose transformation dialog box is open. This now forces all of the side branches to be recalculated to avoid having them get out of sync with each other until the dialog box is closed.