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Cancelling a bypassed transformation

Posted: June 15th, 2019, 5:53 am
by davidh
1. Level an image (or use another transformation)
2. add one or more transformations
3. bypass the Level step
4. reopen the Level, do something or not, and Cancel (or close with X button) the Level step -> the bypass button is now OFF (bypassing not applied), the Level is applied on this one image, but the downstream images still show Level as bypassed as there followed no recalculation


On closing or cancelling I would expect the bypass button to be set back to ON (bypassing applied), and the Level transformation not to be applied to the image. Otherwise it would need to recalculate the downstream images which would contradict the purpose of cancelling.

Re: Cancelling a bypassed transformation

Posted: June 15th, 2019, 9:43 pm
by jsachs
The only way I was able to fix this that seems to work at all was to check when editing a transformation to see if it is bypassed. If so, then the bypass is canceled and all dependent images are recalculated. Perhaps it would be possible to avoid the recalculation, but it would be a major change. In any case, it does not make much sense to make changes to a bypassed transformation since you would never see the results.

Re: Cancelling a bypassed transformation

Posted: June 16th, 2019, 4:38 am
by davidh does not make much sense to make changes to a bypassed transformation since you would never see the results.

There may be more to it then I realize, but I can imagine the folowing scenarios when the bypassed dialog is reopened:
1. just to check (remind oneself of) the settings, then it is closed by X or Cancel buttons -> the Bypass status is back to ON, no changes made, no need for rollback, no downstream recalculation needed
2. to fiddle with the settings, but eventually dismiss them using X or Cancel buttons -> the Bypass status is back to ON, changes in the image are rolled back, no downstream recalculation needed
3. to make changes and confirm them with OK button -> the Bypass status is OFF, changes in the image are executed, followed by downstream recalculation

Another situation is bypassing and "un-bypassing" a transformation. You do it by a click (only one) with the left or right mouse click. This is always followed by recalculation